New Starter Process

When you have a new starter please ask them to provide you with a copy of the form P45 from their last employer, and to help you compile a data set for us as the payroll bureau.

If your new starter does not have a P45, then they must down load and complete this New Starter Checklist.

The data set we require (on a Word Doc, a TXT file or a CSV file) is:

Family name
First name
Residential address including post code
National Insurance number
Date of birth
Mr/Mrs etc
Date employment commenced
Job title
Employee’s email (for the individual electronic payslip)
The annualised salary
First pay date
Auto enrolment pension requirements

If any adjustments are required to the pay for the first payroll period, then please let us have precise details.

We would ask you to try and do this by the 22nd of the calendar month in which your new starter is going to be paid. Payrolls tend to be run around the 23rd or 24th of each calendar month.

Thank you.